Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Lucky Girl!

I called to report for my jury duty in the morning, and


This is the third time in my lifetime, that I have been summoned, and been released over the phone! I am doing the happy dance tonight.


Kristina P. said...

Ha! Lucky you!

Jillene said...

Whoo hoo!! I have been summoned once but it was 2 weeks after I had O--sooooo I got out of it!!

Wendyburd1 said...

Yay Wendy!!! See...other people were right, not me, but YAY!!

Just SO said...

Weeee! I bet you are relieved.

Christa said...

No such luck for me. My number is scheduled to come up tomorrow. My mother in law was summoned for this week, but her number is 256 higher than mine. The probability of her being summoned: nil. The probability of me: 100%. No dancing happening here.

tiburon said...

I have always wanted jury duty...