So I haven't blogged for SO LONG! that I have forgotten how to blog about nothing!
Every day I think, I should go blog, but I can't think of anything to say! Sorry to my fans!
I do have to tell you, if you have a little brat, and think they will grow out of it, they don't, it gets worse!! don't wait until your child is 8 to unspoil him! My plans are taking a little longer to work than I thought they would!
My poor little boy has been walking out the door, to get into the car to go to a movie, when he
had to go back home, for calling me an idiot!! Has had a slurpee returned in front of him, for crying that I didn't get him a big enough size. Had his teacher asked if he can stay in for recess if he is late for school. ( he pokes around all morning, and I am tired of nagging him) He doesn't get in trouble at school for being late! Well he does now!
And still, he is fighting me every step of the way, I thought I would have won by now, but this kid is strong willed I tell you!
Wish me luck!
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3 years ago
Good luck with him!
Good luck! It sounds like you are on the right track with him. I hope he learns his lesson soon.
hang in there! I respect you so much for sticking to your guns!
My little girl (one year) is so ridiculously spoiled already that I know we're going to have serious troubles later. We tell her no and she says "No, no, no!" back to us. So I do a horrible thing and swat her bum and she laughs! She is one year old! And then we laugh back cause she's so freaking cute. I might need help disciplining my child!
I TOTALLY respect you for sticking to your guns!! People think I am mean because I do the same type of things. Good luck--he's just going through a phase (my son's phase was 2 years ago and while it was HELL--I love him so much and have learned a little patience from it).
Thanks for the warning. That is only a year away! Good luck!
Your are amazing for sticking to your guns. My kids were being brats before school last week and so I told them I wasn't going to drive them to school. It's literally right around the corner from our house and is a 1 minute walk. At the most. So, it's really no big deal. I had to shove the out the front door and when I did, my 7 year old turned around and said "freaking idiot". I was already mad and seeing red. I wanted to slap his face, but I just slammed the door in his face instead.
My son begs me to excuse him from recess every day. It drives me crazy. He wants to stay inside and play Yu Gi Oh or Bakugan with his buddies. Ugh!
keep up the good work, he probably thinks you will break!! but you are FIERCE!:)
Keep at it. My 10 yr old has been doing dishes for nearly 2 months straight (we're supposed to rotate daily) because he just won't do what is asked. FINALLY this week he is doing it right, without complaining!!! Unfortunately, I think that after 5 yrs old or so it takes months to un-do bad habits.
So keep it up!! You're doing the best thing you can for him and his future!
When my kids were little I listened to a child psychologist do a lecture on children and "The Goals of Misbehavior". One of the things he addressed was the dwadling problem in the morning and being late for school. He suggested putting on a kitchen timer set to the time to leave, and when it goes off....leave. With the whatever state they may be in. yes, even in their pajamas, no breakfast, no bookbags, etc. I gave this advice to many a parent (I taught preschool/kindergarten) and it worked every time. The behavior turned around after ONE episode. Some people said their children responded to just the threat of going to school in their jammies!
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