So, we are basically moving to Arizona, and wow this Utah spring has sure made it so easy
for me to decide! It is May 3, cold and raining, it has been, what a 7 month winter.
Ever since we went to Arizona 4 years ago for our first winter there, I have wanted to move there, I love it! I love the desert, many people disagree with me, but I think it is so beautiful, I love the cactus and the red dirt! Plus, Hello shopping, amazing restaurants and some culture!
I started bugging Malen to move to Scottsdale and he said NO way! So whatever. Then after one long cold winter, ( we didn't go to Scottsdale this year) he realized it sucked here. We have a really close friend who lives in Paradise Valley and talked Malen into moving there, and told him how many opportunities he will have with his art.
Funny how the mind works because as soon as Malen decided he wanted to move, I said, hmmm, no I want to stay here!! So we have been discussing it for 2 months. I was on the fence but this weather has helped me change my mind, I can't stand it any more! Really, I think since last what October/November it has been sunny 10 days?
I am just posting this for myself, because I feel like it makes it more real if I write it down. Since my mom reads my family blog, and I have decided not to tell her for a while. I don't want to deal with her drama about the entire thing!!! This blog is pretty dead, as I just have been posting on my family blog, and am now addicted to facebook!
We are keeping our house here too, and planning on coming home for some of the hot summer!
Sadly I won't miss many people here, which is mean to say! I just wish Ryan and Tobi would move with us and then I would be happy! Our plan is to make lots of money and find connections for Ryan to come down and do railing there!!!
( I am not talking about my old Logan pals! I will miss you, I just never see you any more, so when I think who I will miss, I miss you guys already! Maureen and Lael!)
We are waiting until fall, since we have art shows all summer, plus I figure will wait out some of the HOT! I called the Arizona school Sky went to last year and the first day is August 10th, what? that is the middle of summer! I think we are not going until Labor day, since Malen has 3 art shows in August, and I don't want to move and be sitting there alone!! anyways....
This is a serious ramble! and not really for anyone but myself! So if you read this, sorry it is just random thoughts